Rosalind Styles serves as the Manager of the DC Business Gun Violence Prevention Coalition and the Jobs Not Gun Initiative. She has served 18 years as President of NAMC-WMAC to ensure the benefits and resources of the organization are delivered to the local communities of which they serve. Since its inception, her focus has been to build the capacity of minority contractors through subcontracting opportunities, legislation or governmental programs; recognize those who have been instrumental in supporting our youth seeking a career in the building trades through on-the-job and apprenticeship training or mentorship programs; and to recognize elected officials or agencies that supported legislation that provided access to funding and services to support these programs.
Ms. Styles served 25 years as President and CEO of Capitol City Associates, Inc. (Capitol City) until her retirement in December, 2022, a CBE registered in the District of Columbia located East of the River in Ward 8 a DBE, WBE and SBE-certified in the Federal Government, Maryland and Virginia. She has over forty (40) years of service in community-based, federal, foreign service, local and private industry administrative and management experience; including event planning as Creator of the Black Bridal Expo, Deputy Coordinator of Mayor Marion Barry’s Inaugural Committee, member of the National Association of Minority Contractors’ Board of Director, Convenor of Chief Contee, Metropolitan Police Department’s Annual Public Safety Honors Awards Program and member of the Marion S. Barry Legacy Board of Directors. Her professional career has encompassed the management of human resource programs, both staff and volunteers; community development programs; and programs geared toward enhancing economic development opportunities for local and minority residents and businesses.